Goals and Objectives

Hearing impaired child playing with board

Hearing impaired kids playing a board game

The multi-professional team aims to achieve the following goals:

Treatment of children with hearing impairment:

  • Auditory rehabilitation for children with various types of hearing impairment.
  • Development of listening, communication, language and speech skills.
  • Cultivating thinking and establishing learning skills.
  • Emotional nurturing, establishing ‘self-strength’, awareness and coping with hearing impairment.
  • Developing the social skills of children with hearing impairment.
  • Social integration of hearing impaired children in a natural environment and with hearing children.

The integration of parents and family in the care of a child with a hearing impairment:

  • Providing comprehensive information on the development of the child with a hearing impairment in various areas.
  • Training and development of the parents’ skills in the care and education of the child with a hearing impairment.
  • Support, accompaniment and advice for the limited and extended family.
  • Active involvement of the parents in the rehabilitation and education process and participation in making decisions related to the child’s treatment plan.
  • Guiding the parents in exercising their rights as parents of a child with a hearing impairment and in their contacts with various frameworks in the community.

Integration of children with hearing impairment in the community:

  • Integration of children with hearing impairment in educational and social settings in the community.
  • Development of services in the community adapted to the population of children with hearing impairment.
  • Expanding the community’s awareness of their needs, the manner of their development and integration of children with hearing impairment in the hearing community.
  • Training professionals in the community: providing workshops, lectures and information sheets.
  • Advocacy and promotion of legislation for the welfare of the hearing impaired child and his family.