Beit MICHA is a multidisciplinary center designed to meet the therapeutic and educational needs of children with hearing loss from birth to first grade. At Beit MICHA, the family plays a central role in the rehabilitation process, with parents as full partners in their child’s intervention program. The Center operates in conjunction with the following government agencies: The Ministry of Health, The Ministry of Education and The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
Our educational vision:
To provide each hard of hearing child with communication, language and speech skills, and to give each child an equal opportunity to develop to their potential and fully integrate into society.
At Beit MICHA – the sky is the limit !!!
Who is eligible to attend Beit MICHA?
Infants and pre-school children with hearing loss from birth until school age from the entire central region of Israel are eligible for care at Beit MICHA. Children with varied degrees of hearing loss are rehabilitated with hearing aids, cochlear implants or other amplification aids. Children with unilateral hearing loss are also eligible.
The majority of children attending MICHA’s programs were identified as deaf or hard of hearing during their first year of life. Children who are diagnosed at a later age begin the program immediately upon their referral to the Center.
MICHA’s quality programs meet the needs of all sectors of the population. The children come from varied ethnic, socioeconomic and religious backgrounds, and there is no waiting list.